Tuesday, 14 June 2011

LAUREN BOOTH:who's her?

  LAUREN BOOTH (born sarah booth 22 July 1967, Islington,London) is an English broadcaster, journalist and pro-Palestinian activist. She works for Iran's English language news channel, Press TV.



Lauren Booth is a half-sister of Cherie Blair and the sixth daughter of the actor Tony Booth with Pamela Smith (Cohen). She is the sister-in-law of former British prime minister Tony Blair. She was married to actor Craig Darby and the couple have two children, Alexandra and Holly. Her mother, Pamela Smith (Cohen) was Jewish although Lauren wasn’t brought up a practising Jew.

Journalistic career

As a journalist, Booth has written for the New Statesman, the Mail on Sunday, the Sunday Times and the Daily Mail. She is a vocal opponent of the Iraq War and a supporter of the Stop the War Coalition; a member of Woodcraft Folk, Media Workers Against the War and the National Union of Journalists. She has been a panellist on the BBC's Have I Got News For You, and a broadcaster on radio and television. She writes columns and features, mainly for the Mail on Sunday. She regularly reviews the UK newspapers on television for Sky News, BBC One and BBC News 24.
In both 2005 and 2006 Booth travelled to the West Bank where she has interviewed Mahmoud Abbas. She gave two speeches on the condition of those living in the West Bank and Gaza, for the Royal Geographical Society and Arab Media Watch.
As of 2010, Booth presents In Focus on the UK's Islam Channel, and Between The Headlines on the Iranian-owned Press TV.
On 10 December 2010 Booth was declared bankrupt in the High Court of Justice, London.

Reality TV

In 2006 she was a contestant on the ITV reality show I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!, donating the money she raised to charity Interpal (Palestinian Relief and Development Fund).

Gaza activism

In August 2008 she travelled to Gaza by ship from Cyprus, along with 46 other activists, to highlight the blockade of the Gaza Strip and deliver hearing aids and balloons to a deaf school in Gaza. Booth elected to remain behind in Gaza, and was subsequently refused entry into both Israel and Egypt. She said that she believed that, by refusing her the right to leave Gaza and return to her home country, Israel and Egypt were in breach of Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, specifically regarding freedom of movement. Booth stated that she believes the "situation in Gaza is a humanitarian crisis on the scale of Darfur" and called Gaza "the largest concentration camp in the world today", although the Jerusalem Post suggested that several photographs of Booth in a well-stocked Gaza grocery "bel[ied] the grim picture she painted of the Strip".During her visit, Booth received a Palestinian VIP passport from Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniya. Booth left Gaza through the Rafah Border Crossing into Egypt on 20 September 2008.

 Religious conversion

Booth appeared at the Islam Channel's Global Peace and Unity event on October 23, 2010, dressed in loose clothing and with a hijab, declaring: "My name is Lauren Booth, and I am a Muslim".She explained that she converted to Islam in mid-September, 2010, after her visit to the Shia Fatima al-Masumeh Shrine, sister of eighth Shia Imam Ali Al Rida in Qom, Iran.However, she has not made clear what sect of Islam she follows and attends two mosques in North London.

Personal bankruptcy

In December 2010, Booth filed for bankruptcy. One of her creditors is her half-sister, Cherie Blair.

ورين بوث : من لها؟

لورين بوث (ولد سارة بوث 22 يوليو 1967 ، أيسلينجتون ، لندن) هو المذيع Inggeris البهاسا ، صحفي وناشط مؤيد للفلسطينيين. تعمل لقناة ايران Inggeris البهاسا أخبار اللغة ، الصحافة التلفزيونية.سيرةالأسرةلورين بوث أخت غير شقيقة من شيري بلير وابنة السادسة من الممثل توني بوث مع باميلا سميث (كوهين). وقالت إنها هي شقيقة في القانون من رئيس الوزراء البريطاني السابق توني بلير. كانت متزوجة من الممثل كريج داربي وديهما طفلان ، الكسندرا وهولي. كانت والدتها ، باميلا سميث (كوهين) على الرغم من أن اليهود لم يكن لورين ترعرعت يهودي ممارسة.الصحافة مهنةكصحفي ، وقد كتب كشك لنيو ستيتسمان ، والبريد ويوم الاحد في صحيفة صنداي تايمز والديلي ميل. وهي أشد معارضي الحرب على العراق ومؤيد للتحالف أوقفوا الحرب ، وعضوا في البراعة الشعبي ، العاملين في مجال الإعلام ضد الحرب والاتحاد الوطني للصحفيين. هذا وكانت المحاور على بي بي سي نيوز لقد حصلت لك ، ومذيعة في الإذاعة والتلفزيون. وقالت انها تكتب الأعمدة وميزات ، أس لصحيفة ميل اون صنداي. Gedung وهي تستعرض الصحف البريطانية على شاشات التلفزيون لمحطة سكاي نيوز بي بي سي واحد وبي بي سي نيوز 24.في عامي 2005 و 2006 سافر بوث الى الضفة الغربية حيث أجرى مقابلات مع محمود عباس. وقدمت خطابين في حالة الدب مكافحة الذين يعيشون في الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة ، للجمعية الجغرافية الملكية ومراقبة وسائل الاعلام العربية.اعتبارا من عام 2010 ، يعرض في صالة التركيز على قناة الإسلام في المملكة المتحدة ، وبين العناوين في الصحافة التلفزيونية المملوكة من إيران.أعلن في 10 ديسمبر 2010 كشك المفلسة في محكمة العدل العليا في لندن.تلفزيون الواقعفي 2006 كانت هي المتسابق على اظهار الحقيقة القناة انا من المشاهير... أخرجني من هنا! ، والتبرع الاموال التي حصل عليها أن انتربال الخيرية (الفلسطيني للإغاثة وصندوق التنمية).غزة النشاطفي أغسطس 2008 سافرت الى غزة بحرا من قبرص ، جنبا إلى جنب مع 46 نشطاء آخرين ، لتسليط الضوء على الحصار المفروض على قطاع غزة وتوفير المعينات السمعية وINTJ البالونات إلى مدرسة في قطاع غزة. انتخب بوث ان يبقى خلف في غزة ، وكان رفض في وقت لاحق دخول كل من إسرائيل ومصر. وكانت اسرائيل ومصر وقالت انها تعتقد أن ذلك برفضه لها الحق في مغادرة غزة والعودة إلى وطنها ، في خرق للمادة 13 من الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان ، على وجه التحديد فيما يتعلق بحرية الحركة. وذكرت كشك عن اعتقاده بان "الوضع في غزة أزمة إنسانية على نطاق دارفور" ، ودعا غزة "اكبر معسكر اعتقال في العالم اليوم" ، على الرغم من أن صحيفة جيروزاليم بوست اقترح أن صور العديد من بوث في غزة جيدة التجهيز بوث تلقت بقالة "الجرس [عيد] وانها رسمت صورة قاتمة للقطاع". سولاويزي الزيارة التي قامت بها ، على جواز سفر كبار الشخصيات من رئيس الوزراء الفلسطيني إسماعيل هنية من حماس. بقي كشك غزة عبر معبر رفح الحدودي إلى مصر يوم 20 سبتمبر 2008.
تحويل الدينيةيبدو بوث في السلام العالمي قناة الإسلام والحدث الوحدة في 23 أكتوبر 2010 ، يرتدون ملابس فضفاضة ومع الحجاب ، معلنا : "اسمي لورين بوث ، وأنا مسلم." انها قالت انها اوضحت ان اعتنق الاسلام في منتصف أيلول / سبتمبر 2010 ، بعد زيارة قامت بها إلى فاطمة الشيعة مرقد Masumeh ، شقيقة الامام الرضا ثامن الشيعة العلي في قم ، Iran.However ، وقالت انها لم تصدر من الواضح ما هي الفرع الإسلام يلي ويحضر مسجدين في شمال لندن.الافلاس الشخصيفي ديسمبر 2010 ، قدمت صالة للإفلاس. واحد من الدائنين لها ولها نصف شقيقة شيري بلير.


Sunday, 27 March 2011


Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Kuasa Face Book runtuhkan Regim Mubarak

Foto Khaled sebelum dibunuh.

Foto Khaled selepas dibunuh.

Wa'il Ghonim- pencetus revolusi Mesir kini. Melalui laman web Face Book 'Kulluna Khaled Sa'id' - berjaya mengajak rakyat Mesir bangkit menjatuhkan Rejim Husni Mubarak.

Pencipta Face Book barangkali tidak menjangka FB boleh mencipta revolusi. Tunisia, Mesir, entah mana negara lagi.

Pemuda 30an ini - kini muncul di Dream Channel - satelite tv Mesir - dengan isakan dan tangisan tetapi pendirian yang tidak tergugat - selepas 10 hari menjadi 'tamu' polis rahsia Mesir, bermula sehari selepas rakyat Mesir membanjiri Tahrir Square.

'Kulluna Khaled Sa'id - atau We are all Khaled Sa'id' bermula sebagai dedikasi sekumpulan anak muda Mesir terhadap Khaled Sa'id - anak muda Mesir berusia 28 tahun yang dibunuh secara kejam oleh dua orang polis Mesir.

Khaled, telah muat turun dalam You Tube imej polis Mesir sedang membahagikan wang dengan pengedar dadah. Ia menimbulkan kemarahan polis. Ia diburu.

Saksi-saksi melihat bagaimana Khaled diambil oleh dua anggota polis, kepalanya dihantuk ke dinding dan tangga bangunan sehingga mati. Mayatnya dicampak di tepi jalan dan selepas post mortem, polis mengeluarkan kenyataan Khaled mati kerana terlebih mengambil dadah.

Dalam kenyataannya, polis menyatakan tiada kecederaan parah bagi Khalid.

Kematian Khaled menimbulkan kemarahan anak muda Mesir yang telah sekian lama menyaksikan kekejaman polis Mesir dalam berbagai cara. Ditambah dengan pembohongan dan rasuah.

Khaled serta merta menjadi simbol kebangkitan anak muda Mesir. Fotonya terpampang di sudut laman Kulluna Khaled.

Selepas anak muda Tunisia - Bu Azizi - menjadi simbol kebangkitan anak muda Tunisia - dan berjaya menghalau Presiden Tunisia lari ke luar negara - anak muda Mesir mendapat inspirasi dan semangat untuk bangkit tidak tertahan lagi.

25 Januari lalu kebangkitan bermula. Wa'il Ghonim - pakar IT yang bekerja dengan Google di Dubai bergegas pulang untuk menyertai anak muda Mesir lain yang telah menyahut seruan laman FB mereka. Keesokan harinya, beliau ditahan.

Keluarga dan majikannya cuba mengesan jejak beliau tetapi gagal. Tidak ada sebarang berita mengenai di mana beliau berada, sehingga lah beliau muncul di kaca TV Dream Channel.

Sebelum beliau ditahan, beliau telah memberikan password kepada rakannya yang lain. Hanya kini, beliau mengetahui rakannya telah terbunuh dalam kebangkitan kini.

Dalam wawancara yang boleh disaksikan di You Tube, Wa'il menegaskan kebangkitan rakyat Mesir hanya untuk menuntut hak mereka yang sah, kebebasan bersuara, keadilan dan keselamatan. Serta pembelaan terhadap mereka yang telah dizalimi. Mereka bangkit bukan untuk menimbulkan huru hara. Kerana itu, beliau merasa kesal adanya kematian baik di pihak orang awam termasuk rakan-rakan beliau mahu pun anggota keselamatan. Kesemua mereka, kata Wa'il, adalah syahid.

Tidak ada pihak yang patut menekankan ideologi mereka dalam kebangiktan sekarang. Tetapi nasib rakyat Mesir lah yang menjadi agenda sebenar.

Beliau menyebut bahawa beliau bukan agen mana-mana pihak sekalipun pihak polis cuba menekan beliau mengaku menjadi alat pihak lain semasa dalam tahanan. Katanya, keluarga beliau adalah kaya raya dan beliau sendiri mempunyai pendapatan lumayan dengan kereta besar dan kehidupan mewah di Dubai. Kerana itu, beliau tidak perlukan sogokan tetapi atas cintanya terhadap Mesir yang telah porak poranda oleh regim yang ada, beliau memberanikan diri mencetuskan kebangkitan ini. Beliau hanya ingin bersuara bagi pihak yang teraniaya dan majoriti rakyat Mesir yang miskin.

Beliau tidak mahu digelar hero atas kebangkitan ini kerana hero yang sebenar adalah rakyat Mesir yang telah berani bangkit. Semua yang telah terkorban dan anak muda yang sanggup bertahan di Medan Tahrir hingga kini, sudah hampir dua minggu.

Wa'il Ghonim tidak mengambil masa yang lama selepas pembebasannya untuk bersama di Medan Tahrir. Sekalipun isterinya, rakyat Amerika beragama Islam sedang menunggu di Dubai dan bapanya berada di Saudi.

Kita boleh bayangkan bahawa Husni Mubarak tidak mempunyai pilhan melainkan berundur.

Dalam rangka mengekang kebangkitan menerusi kemudahan Twitter dan FB, kerajaan Mesir menyekat laluan internet selama tiga hari, minggu lalu. Ia dibuka semula kerana hasil sekatan itu, lebih ramai anak muda membanjiri Medan Tahrir kerana mereka tidak lagi dapat merayau di alam maya, ber chit chat dan FB atau bermain on line game. Memang sangat menakjubkan!

Kepalsuan propaganda media Mesir juga terdedah dengan mudah dengan kemudahan FB dan internet.

Umpamanya kononnya letupan bom di Gereja Koptik baru ini dilakukan oleh Hamas, terdedah ianya dilakukan oleh polis rahsia Mesir sendiri.

Percubaan memainkan sentimen agama - sama seperti berlaku di bumi One Malaysia - digagalkan oleh imej-imej pemuda Islam yang sedang bersolat di depan kereta perisai tentera Mesir dilindungi oleh pemuda Kristian Mesir yang bersalib dan pemuda Kristian yang bersembahyang pada hari Ahad di Medan Tahrir dilindungi pula oleh Pemuda Muslim! Ia imej kesatuan hati dan budi yang luar biasa dari kebangiktan ini!

Isra' Abdul Fatah - pemudi Mesir adalah antara pencetus revolusi yang lain. Peranan gadis muda ini yang giat menerusi lamannya, menyatakan, revolusi hanya boleh berlaku bila mana semua orang benar-benar pergi berhimpun di Medan Tahrir dan tidak hanya berada dalam alam maya. Beliau pernah dipenjara selama lapan belas hari. Imej You Tube penuh emosi pada hari beliau dibebaskan dari tahanan sudah cukup membangkitkan sentimen anak muda Mesir. "Jika Mubarak membohongi rakyat Mesir selama tiga puluh tahun, adakah beliau akan bercakap benar beliau akan berundur seleosa September?" Tanya Isra'.

Di depan pemuda seperti Wa'il dan pemudi seperti Isra' - regim Mubarak sudah hilang legitimasinya dan menunggu masa untuk runtuh.

Kebobrokan Mubarak yang merata dan kekejaman yang lama, dengan menutup pintu kebebasan samada melalui pilihanraya palsu mahupun pembohongan media, serta membina rangkaian korupsi yang kian membarah, kini berhadapan dengan pembalasan dari rakyatnya sendiri.

Background Story
Khaled… A story of many Egyptians.
Khaled Said, a 28-year-old Egyptian from the coastal city of Alexandria, Egypt, was tortured to death at the hands of two police officers. Several eye witnesses described how Khalid was taken by the two policemen into the entrance of a residential building where he was brutally punched and kicked. The two policemen banged his head against the wall, the staircase and the entrance steps. Despite his calls for mercy and asking them why they are doing this to him, they continued their torture until he died according to many eye witnesses.
Khaled has become the symbol for many Egyptians who dream to see their country free of brutality, torture and ill treatment. Many young Egyptians are now fed up with the inhuman treatment they face on a daily basis in streets, police stations and everywhere. Egyptians want to see an end to all violence committed by any Egyptian Policeman. Egyptians are aspiring to the day when Egypt has its freedom and dignity back, the day when the current 30 years long emergency martial law ends and when Egyptians can freely elect their true representatives.
According to Associated Press, Khaled was killed “after he posted a video on the Internet of officers sharing the spoils from a drug bust among themselves”. After Khaled was killed, the Police authorities refused to investigate in Khaled’s death saying that he died because he swallowed a pack of Marijuana. When many Egyptians started to ask questions, the Police issued few statements saying that Khaled was a drug user (as if it is ok to murder and torture to death all drug addicts! – And everyone who knew khaled reject these claims completely). Another official statement said that Khaled is an army deserter (which was also proved to be false accusation afterwards and his army service report is now published showing that he has fully completed this service). The authorities then refused any further investigation. After pressure mounted, and the European Union representatives in Egypt asked for an impartial investigation, the Egyptian authorities finally decided to question and arrest the two Policemen and they were charged with two counts: “using excessive force”!!! and “unjustified arrest”!! of Khaled Said.. No one was charged with murder!
The second official autopsy report now says that Khaled has cuts and bruises which “might be” because of hitting solid objects! The first official autospy report did NOT record any of the clear wounds, cuts and bruises on Khaled’s face.
We will let you see Khaled’s photos before and after the attack and let you judge yourselves: Does the following photos show that Khaled really died from swallowing something or was he killed from the banging of his head against several solid objects and the kicking and punching by the two policemen and as the many eye witnesses confirmed?
Image of Khalid before the attack:

Khalid Said after his torture to death
Eye witnesses include the Internet Cafe owner who saw the two Policemen arresting Khaled, the residential building keeper (guard/bawab) & his wife, a pharmacist who tried to intervene and stop the torture, a teenager who watched the policemen while they were hitting him in the building entrance and many by standers. Fully documented video interviews with eye witnesses are available on this post hereon ourwebsite (witness accounts are all in Arabic). Many more videos of eye witnesses are posted on youtube.

Monday, 21 March 2011

A talk with Egyptian activist Asmaa Mahfouz

Cairo, Asharq Al-Awsat- Simple, normal, good looking, words you could use to describe any girl you come across on the Egyptian street. She may not attract your attention if you encountered her by chance, but you would be amazed if you talked to her, perhaps because of her enthusiastic tone of voice and body language.
She is an Egyptian activist from the April 6th Youth Movement, Asmaa Mahfouz, one of the most prominent youth leaders who called for the Egyptian protests. She was 26 on the 1st of February this year, and she holds a BA in Business Administration from Cairo University. Asmaa Mahfouz did not have anything to do with political activism before participating with her colleagues in the Youth Movement, which was founded after the famous general strike Egypt witnessed on April 6th 2008.
Mahfouz told Asharq al-Awsat that when she distributed leaflets calling on Egyptians to participate in the January 25th protests, the most she could have dreamed would turn up was 10,000 people. The following is the text from the interview.
[Asharq al-Awsat] How did you get into political activism?
[Mahfouz] My first taste of political activism was in March 2008, when I participated in promoting and initiating the call for a general strike [across Egypt] on the 6th April, which was launched on the Internet. Following the strike, we established the April 6th Youth Movement, named after that date. At the time, I did not know anything about political activism.
[Asharq al-Awsat] How did you make up for your lack of experience after joining the movement?
[Mahfouz] The movement began to organize training programs for its members who did not have political experience. Experienced members provided lectures, and then I learned many things through practice and close contact with other people and political activists.
[Asharq al-Awsat] What role did you play in calling for the January 25th protests?
[Mahfouz] I was printing and distributing leaflets in popular areas, and calling for citizens to participate. In those areas, I also talked to young people about their rights, and the need for their participation. At the time when a series of people [across the Middle East] were setting themselves on fire, I went into Tahrir Square with several members of the movement, and we tried a spontaneous demonstration to protest against the recurrence of these incidents. However, the security forces prevented us [from doing so], and removed us from the Square. This prompted me to film a video clip, featuring my voice and image, calling for a protest on the 25th of January. I thought to myself that a video would be the best option as long as I could not communicate directly with the people. In the video, I said that on the 25th of January, I would be an Egyptian girl defending her dignity and her rights. I broadcasted the video on the Internet, via “Facebook”, and was surprised by its unprecedented distribution over websites and mobile phones. Subsequently, I made four further videos prior to the date of the protest.
[Asharq al-Awsat] Where were you on the 25th of January, and what role did you play?
[Mahfouz] I went to a street in Bulaq Dakrur, where I and a group of members from the movement intended to start protesting. At the same time, other members were doing the same thing in other areas. When we had assembled, we raised the Egyptian flag and began to chant slogans, and it was surprising when a large number of people joined us. This prompted us to take our demonstration down Gamat al-Dawal al-Arabia Street. With increasing numbers joining us, we stopped for some time in front of Mustafa Mahmoud Mosque, and then we led the march to Tahrir Square. We found several demonstrations coming from different areas towards this area, and thus we decided to occupy Tahrir Square. However, at around 2 am, we were attacked by security forces with tear gas and rubber bullets, and they pursued us through the streets of downtown Cairo.
[Asharq al-Awsat] What happened on the 28th of January, which has been termed the “Day of Rage”?
[Mahfouz] Everyone knows that the Friday demonstrations began in most Egyptian squares and streets after the Morning Prayer. As for me, I met with some of the [April 6th] members, and we began to protest in front of Mustafa Mahmoud Mosque, amidst very large numbers. We led the demonstration towards Tahrir Square, but when we arrived at the Egyptian Opera House (located in between Tahrir Square and the Dokki region of Cairo), we were faced with significant security enhancements…armored cars, riot police, and central security soldiers. They started to beat us heavily with tear gas and rubber bullets, and I saw young men die in front of me. I was crying and scared, but I said to myself that I could not back down, because the blood of those young men must not be spilt in vain. Many of us resisted and more of us fled, but in the end a large number of us managed to access Tahrir Square.
[Asharq al-Awsat] How did you feel when you found out that your call [for protest] had transformed into popular demonstrations across Egypt?
[Mahfouz] When the police withdrew from the streets on Friday night, I realized for the first time that the call, which I did not dream would draw more than 10,000 people, had now turned into a popular revolution. Some of the protestors saw me amidst the demonstrations and said “Are you the one on the video? We came onto the streets because of you; we were very moved by what you said on the video”. Then I felt like I had achieved something for my country and my family.
[Asharq al-Awsat] How have your family reacted to your participation in political activism, and the risks that come with it, and what was their reaction after the outbreak of protests?

[Mahfouz] My family, like any Egyptian family, had reservations about my participation in political activism; they were always trying to advise me, saying “you are a girl, not the type to be roughed up!” In time, their pressures led me to reduce my activities, so I could stay at home with them for a longer period. I even left my post as media spokesperson for the April 6th Youth Movement, and was content with being a normal member, due to time constraints. After the outbreak of protests they [Mahfouz’s family] were very happy, and they told me “we are proud of you”.
[Asharq al-Awsat] What is your opinion of accusations suggesting you are receiving funding from abroad, and that foreign countries are financing the protests?
[Mahfouz] These are naïve accusations promoted by the state media, as part of a scheme to suppress the protests, and transform what was unprecedented public sympathy into a state of hostility. Some say America is financing us, others say Iran. With regards to our movement, we are self financed, thanks to members’ contributions; we do not receive any financial aid, either internally or from abroad. We have no headquarters, we meet anywhere, from human rights organizations to cafes, and we pay the costs of printing leaflets and banners from our own money. Regarding the financing of the Tahrir Square protests, some said that famous restaurants such as “Kentucky” had provided the protestors with hot meals, and this is also a naïve claim. Since the beginning of the protests, all these restaurants have ceased trading altogether, and the most expensive meal you will see during the protests is Koshari, a popular Egyptian dish that the protestors bought with their own money.
[Asharq al-Awsat] The protests are ongoing, and your principle demand has not been achieved, namely for President Mubarak to step down. What are the outcomes which you expect in the future?
[Mahfouz] All Egyptians, not only the protestors, have broken through the fear barrier, therefore I expect only one outcome - protests will continue until Mubarak steps down from power.


Friday, 18 March 2011


Jeritan Hati untuk Gaza, lirik lagu We Will NOT Go DOWN

Jeritan Hati untuk Palestina !
Hati pedih penuh luka, tak satu kata pun pantas terucapkan untuk mengungkapkan kebiadaban israel laknatullah. Negara itu telah membabi buta meluluhlantakkan tanah suci palestina.
Mencabik-cabik kota gaza, memisahkan anak-anak dari orang tuanya, memisahkan orang tua dari anak-anaknya, menghancurkan masa depan setiap yang benafas di kota gaza. Entah kebiadaban apa lagi yang dapat dituliskan di sini, semua dapat melihat dengan jelas di media-media seberapa besar kebiadaban itu terjadi. Tak ada hal yang dapat kita perbuat untuk mereka, selain hanya dengan do’a dan air mata serta sejumlah kecil bantuan yang tidak seberapa besar dibanding kebutuhan penduduk gaza yang sebenarnya.
Perihnya hati sudah tak tertahan, diiringi do’a penuh harap di setiap sembah sujudku. Semoga tragedi ini dapat segera berlalu.
Ya Allah.. Berikanlah pertolongan kepada para Mujahid di Palestina
Ya Allah.. Berikanlah pertolongan kepada para Mujahid di Palestina
Ya Allah.. Berikanlah pertolongan kepada para Mujahid di Palestina
Hancurkanlah mereka (Yahudi) Ya Alloh….
Jangan biarkan sejengkal pun tanah negeri palestina jatuh ke tangan mereka (Yahudi)..
Mengingat tragedi yang terjadi di tanah palestina saat ini, bukan hanya tragedi bagi ummat islam. Melainkan tragedi bagi ummat manusia di seluruh dunia. Betapa dengan mudahnya melakukan pembantaian (holocaust) di depan mata kita sendiri. Dimana para pemimpin dunia yang seharusnya dapat membantu menyelesaikan konflik, tidak melakukan respons yang berarti untuk terselesaikannya konflik di Palestina.
Seorang berkewarganegaraan Amerika pun, merasa terusik hatinya melihat tragedi kemanusiaan ini. Dengan keahliannya sebagai komposer dan produser musik ternama di negaranya, dia membuat sebuah lagu khusus untuk “GaZa”.
Silahkan disimak lirik lagu yang telah diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia di bawah ini. Bahkan beliau merelakan lagu yang telah dibuatnya itu untuk didownload oleh semua orang di seluruh dunia. Agar semua orang di seluruh dunia dapat merasakan juga penderitaan rakyat gaza katanya, memberikan alasan mengapa beliau menyebarluaskan lagu ini secara gratis.
WE WILL NOT GO DOWN (Song for Gaza)
(Composed by Michael Heart)
Copyright 2009
A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive
They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who’s wrong or right
But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze
We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight
============ ========= ====
Terjemahannya …
Cahaya putih yang membutakan mata
Menyala terang di langit Gaza malam ini
Orang-orang berlarian untuk berlindung
Tanpa tahu apakah mereka masih hidup atau sudah mati
Mereka datang dengan tank dan pesawat
Dengan berkobaran api yang merusak
Dan tak ada yang tersisa
Hanya suara yang terdengar di tengah asap tebal
Kami tidak akan menyerah
Di malam hari, tanpa perlawanan
Kalian bisa membakar masjid kami, rumah kami dan sekolah kami
Tapi semangat kami tidak akan pernah mati
Kami tidak akan menyerah
Di Gaza malam ini
Wanita dan anak-anak
Dibunuh dan dibantai tiap malam
Sementara para pemimpin nun jauh di sana
Berdebat tentang siapa yg salah & benar
Tapi kata-kata mereka sedang dalam kesakitan
Dan bom-bom pun berjatuhan seperti hujam asam
Tapi melalui tetes air mata dan darah serta rasa sakit
Anda masih bisa mendengar suara itu di tengah asap tebal
Kami tidak akan menyerah
Di malam hari, tanpa perlawanan
Kalian bisa membakar masjid kami, rumah kami dan sekolah kami
Tapi semangat kami tidak akan pernah mati
Kami tidak akan menyerah
Di Gaza malam ini


Thursday, 17 March 2011

boycott israel stuff!!

Senarai Produk Israel Yang 'Wajib' Umat Islam Boikot
Brands and labels to boycott:

1. Fast Food
- Mc Donald's
2. Beverages, Drinks
- Coca-cola
- Dr. Pepper
- Fanta

- Sprite
- Schweppes
- Lilt
- Fruitopia
- Sunkist
- Kia Ora Fruit Squashes

3. Food, Snacks
- Buitoni
- Danone
- Perrier
- Libby's
- Maggi
- Nestlé
- Shreddies cereal
- Nestlé KitKat
- Vittel

4. Consumer Products (Tissue, Diapers)
- Kimberly-Clark
- Kotex
- Huggies
- Kleenex

5. Cosmetics, Body Care
- Biotherm
- Sanex
- Garnier
- Clinique
- Helena Rubinstein (HR)
- L'oréal Paris
- Origins Natural Resources
- Maybelline
- La Roche-Posay
- Redken 5th Avenue NYC
- Vichy
- Johnson & Johnson
- Revlon
- Brylcreem

6. Perfumes, Fashion, Cosmetics
- Boss (Hugo Boss)
- Calvin Klein
- Lancôme Paris
- Giorgio Armani
- Estée Lauder
- Tommy Hilfiger
- Donna Karan New York (DKNY)
- Ralph Lauren

7. Fashion, Clothing

- Aramis
- Prescriptives
- La Mer
- Bumble and Bumble
- Jo Malone
- Kate Spade
- River Island
- JC Penney
- Timberland
- J. Crew

8. Sportswear
- Champion
- Outer Banks

9. Home Products

- Ambi Pur
- Kiwi (shoe care)
- Sara Lee

10. Coffee, Coffee Systems, Tea
- Douwe Egberts
- Maison Café
- Superior Coffee
- Pickwick
- Piláo Café
- Starbucks Coffee

11. Technologies
- Nokia
- Intel

12. News Corporation, Publications
- Sky TV Network
- 20th Century FOX
- Star TV Network
- National Geographic Channel
- The Weekly Standard
- New York Post
- News of the World (UK)
- The Sun (UK)
- The Times (UK)
- The Daily Telegraph (Australia)
- Harper Collins
- Nursery World
- Disney
- TIME Magazine

13. Clothing (Socks, Babywear, Intimate Apparel)

- Victoria's Secret
- Banana Republic
- Structure
- Pryca
- Lindex
- Playtex
- Auchan
- Just My Size
- Hema
- Wonderbra
- Bali
- Hanes
- L'eggs
- Lovable
- Nur Die
- Gossard

14. Retailers, Stores, Shopping Complex

- Carrefour
- Tschibo
- Marks & Spencer
- Selfridges & Co.
- The White Barn Candle Co.
- Mast Industries Inc.
- Express
- Structure
- Henri Bendel
- Intimate Brands Inc.
- The Limited
- New York & Company
- Lerner New York

15. Home Depot
- Expo Design Centers
- Georgia Lighting
- Villager's Hardware
- Maintenance Warehouse
- The Home Depot
- Apex Supply Company

‘Ingatlah! di akhirat kelak,Allah akan bertanya,,,,, ke manakah rezki y  telah anda perolehi(wang)telah anda belanjakan??’
    Tanpa kita sedari,wang yang kita perolehi secara halal telah kita gunakan untuk menjana pendapatan zionis yang sedang giat membunuh saudara2 kita di palestin,,,ini bermakna seperti kita turut membantu zionis dlam menjayakan misinya menghapuskan umat islam,,,,Sanggupkah anda membunuh nyawa  saudara kita dengan mnyumbangkan wang kpd musuh2 islam???
Masjidil aqsa hak umat islam,ayuh bangkit pertahankan!


   salamullah,buat para pelawat,terima kasih kerana sudi menjengah blog y x seberapa,,blog ini diwujudkan bertujuan hanya untuk melaungkan kebebasan bg pencinta keadilan y hak,,,kewujudan islam sbagai agama y universal tlah dibawa oleh junjungan besar,,,nabi muhammad SAW,,,sejak ribuen tahun sebelum ini,telah ditentang oleh manusia y angkuh dan tidak percaya akan ALLAH y esa.
   kita mengaku mencintai junjungan besar SAW tanpa adanya bukti kukuh iaitu amal(output),,sebagai seorang khalifah,maka wajiblah atas kita mnegakkan kebenaran tanpa mengotorinya dengan debu kebatilan.
   akhir kata,semoga ilmu y terkandung dlam blog dapat sama2 kita sebarkan,,,seperti sabda RASULULLAH SAW,MAFHUMYA:
"sebarkan kalimatku walau satu ayat"(hadis sahih)"
maka berbahagialah bg orang2 y bertaqwa,kerana sesungguhnya mereka telah beroleh syurga,semoga kita tergolong dalam kalangannya!amin,wallahu'alam wsalam=)

Tuesday, 15 March 2011


  The region of Palestine is the geographical region from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River. Situated at a strategic location between Egypt, Syria and Arabia, and the birthplace of the Abrahamic religions, the region has a long and tumultuous history as a crossroads for religion, culture, commerce, and politics. Human history in the region goes back 500,000 years or more, with civilisation reaching the region shortly after the first city-states in Mesopotamia. Since that time the region has been controlled by numerous different peoples, including Ancient Egyptians, Canaanites, Ancient Israelites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Ancient Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, the Sunni Arab Caliphate, the Shia Fatimid Caliphate, Crusaders, Ayyubids, Mameluks, Ottomans, the British and modern Israelis.
Other terms for the same area include Canaan, Zion, the Land of Israel, Syria Palaestina, Southern Syria, Jund Filastin, Outremer, the Holy Land and the Southern Levant. Modern archaeologists and historians of the region refer to their field of study as Syro-Palestinian archaeology.

 According to Biblical tradition, the United Kingdom of Israel was established by the Israelite tribes with Saul as its first king in 1020 BC.[29] In 1000 BC, Jerusalem was made the capital of King David's kingdom and it is believed that the First Temple was constructed in this period by King Solomon.[29] By 930 BC, the united kingdom split to form the northern Kingdom of Israel, and the southern Kingdom of Judah.[29] These kingdoms co-existed with several more kingdoms in the greater Palestine area, including Philistine town states on the Southwestern Mediterranean coast, Edom, to the South of Judah, and Moab and Ammon to the East of the river Jordan.[30] According to Jon Schiller and Hermann Austel, among others, while in the past, the Bible story was seen historical truth, "a growing number of archaeological scholars, particularly those of the minimalist school, are now insisting that Kings David and Solomon are 'no more real than King Arthur,' citing the lack of archaeological evidence attesting to the existence of the United Kingdom of Israel, and the unreliability of biblical texts, due to their being composed in a much later period."[31][32]
There was an at least partial Egyptian withdrawal from Palestine in this period, though it is likely that Bet Shean was an Egyptian garrison as late as the beginning of the 10th century BC.[21] The socio-political system was characterized by local patrons fighting other local patrons, lasting until around the mid-9th century BC when some local chieftains were able to create large political structures that exceeded the boundaries of those present in the Late Bronze Age Levant.[21]
Archaeological findings from this era include, among others, the Mesha Stele, from c. 850 BC, which recounts the conquering of Moab, located East of the Dead Sea, by king Omri, and the successful revolt of Moabian king Mesha against Omri's son, presumably King Ahab (and French scholar André Lemaire reported that line 31 of the Stele bears the phrase "the house of David" (in Biblical Archaeology Review [May/June 1994], pp. 30–37).[33]); and the Kurkh Monolith, dated c. 835 BC, describing King Shalmaneser III of Assyria's Battle of Qarqar, where he fought alongside the contingents of several kings, among them King Ahab and King Gindibu.